I finally got some batteries for my camera so I decided to take some pictures of my new apartment.
http://usera.imagecave.com/armads/Pict ure6824.jpg
My Bed
http://usera.imagecave.com/armads/Pict ure6825.jpg
My floor, which is always a mess. That empty space in the top right corner of the pic will soon be filled with my drumset.
The Hallway to my bathroom and two closets (bathroom on right, main closet on left, mini closet in front).
http://usera.ima gecave.com/armads/Picture6827.jpg
My computer desk, that painting above it I bought here in Richmond, original work. I really like it.
//usera.imagecave.com/armads/Picture68 28.jpg
http://usera.imagecave.com/armad s/Picture6829.jpg
My beautiful view
http://usera.imagecave.com/armads/Pict ure6833.jpg
My lighting arrangement, I have no lamp in my room, just a long cable light stretched across the ceiling, at night my room has a very warm feeling. I like it a lot like this.
http://usera.imagecav e.com/armads/Picture6830.jpg
The living room, my roommate stoled the TV and put it in his room currently. I don't mind, I don't watch it much anyways. The painting seen here was done by me, my ex- best-friend rob, my ex girlfriend Ina may, and my sister Daniela (all but my sister can be seen in my profile pic).
http://use ra.imagecave.com/armads/Picture6831.jp g
The other half of the living room.
http://usera.imagecave.com/armads/Pic ture6832.jpg
And finally the kitchen.
I spy a pack of cigarettes
Marlboro 27's, they were out of unfiltered pall mall :'(